Theory of the Skull

“A very easy way and fun to know more about my baby!” Baby Gender Now understand how important it is for parents to know the sex of the babythat is why I offer the Theory of the Skull to find out.


Characteristics of the theory of the Skull

The skull feminine and the masculine, like many other bony structures, have characteristics that differentiate them from one another. These can help to predict the sex of baby during the first few weeks of pregnancy, according to the theory of the skull. Although there are no scientific studies that support this theory, if there are studies about the differences in cranial in children and adults. Based on these characteristics, the prediction of the sex with the theory of the skull may be of up to 92% of success from 12 weeks of pregnancy onwards.

This theory of the skull is based on studies that make the experts on the human skeleton.

Surely more than once you've heard as identified human remains, some with thousands of years of antiquity, for their bones, and without the need of DNA testing. The bones give us a lot of information about the person: age, sex, and even their race in many cases.

Characteristics of the theory of the skull

For the theory of the skull, look at a number of key points in the skull of the fetus. Each one of these points is interpreted as a boy or a girl, but is not relevant in solitary as a child could have any trait female and on the contrary. What truth there is to keep in mind is the set and how many points in its favour is as a boy or as a girl. If there is a large difference in favor of one of the sexes, the prediction is clear.

Our experts in this Theory of the Skull say that almost always you can to know, and if it matches it is just a misunderstanding. For this reason, many parents put the pictures in the forums so that other moms and dads express their opinions and help them to interpret.

They are are the features that we use at Baby Gender Now to determine the sex, according to the theory of the Skull:

(A) The skull male is more dense and less rounded than the female.

(B) The temporal crest that runs along the outside of the skull giving it a square shape is more prominent in the skulls of male.

C) The margin above the eyes in more pointed in the skulls of female, and more rounded in the male.

(E) The jaw female is more rounded, while the male is more square and overhung.

F) The bone structure of the face of the female is straight, whereas the male tends to have a sharp curve and above the eyes.

G) The skulls of male are wider.


Taking into account these aspects, we can make sure that the Theory of the Skull is effective, allows us to know the sex of our baby.

For that reason, Baby Gender Now, we invite you to send us your sonogram and in less than 48 hours you'll know the sex of your baby.

Frequently asked questions

The most frequently asked questions that have pregnant women about the Theory of the Skull

  1. Visit our Shop and select one of the methods that you want to predict the sex of the baby (Method Ramzi Theory of the Skull and the Theory of the Nub).
  2. Upload directly to your ultrasound from your mobile camera or computer.. we will Receive your request privately via E-mail. 
  3. After you finish the purchase, you will receive your report with the sex of your baby by e-mail as soon as possible.

We work as quickly as possible to predict the sex of your baby quickly, usually it takes between 24/48h in to give the result of the prediction method. Either Method Ramzi Theory of the Skull and the Theory of the Nub.

If your scan has little visibility, our response time may be delayed more than 24 hours.

This is because it is possible that we may need to request more scans and/or to contact you directly, before you process the results. This is to ensure that you receive the most accurate results.

No. A woman can be free of her left ovary, and the infant may be implanted in the right side of your body and vice versa.

Many women only have one ovary functional. Therefore, it is likely that produce a male or a female, regardless of the ovary's release. There is No correlation between the side of ovulation to determine which side will form the placenta.

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